Single Review: Bryn – Room

Bryn McCutcheon comes all the way from Toronto, Canada, she’s an impeccable independent singer/ songwriter with a glut of exceptional material to her name. Bryn made her debut way back in 2015 and has gone on to unveil a multitude of singles and two full lengths. Actually tracks released prior to the 8 track LP Gone are no longer available to purchase/ stream. It was 2021 when I was first introduced to this amazing artist, the very first listen of Making Monsters had me hooked, Bryn then returned two years later with No Man .

Anyhow 29th February saw McCutcheon make her re emergence with Room, independently released this succulent single was penned alongside Mike Tompa and the end result being a majestic masterpiece which mesmerised me at the same time. This track was a literal spectacle, that gorgeous piano led arrangement created something rather enchanting, Bryn’s raspy vocal tones resonated a folkness whilst the lyrical content felt like a punch to the gut. These moving words painted a picture of a relationship and the burning flame felt for one another is dimming as time progresses. The whole delivery had me envisioning the likes of Olivia Rodrigo and Birdy.

The only way is up for Bryn and this number is yet another superb addition to the back catalogue.

Room is available from iTunes (CANADA/ USA/ UK)

Official Website

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